Membership Benefits

Why join ASPT poster

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Become part of a vibrant community of students, researchers, and other professional botanists who collectively carry out the vital mission of documenting and understanding Earth’s plant diversity!

Everyone interested in plant systematics in the broadest sense, including modern and traditional methods across all plant groups, is encouraged to join the American Society of Plant Taxonomists.

We have a range of membership types, including discounted rates for students, postdoctoral fellows, and developing country members.  Benefits for all members include:

Online subscription to Systematic Botany

The Society’s journal, which since 1976 has been a critical international outlet for the publication of influential research in plant systematics.  Current members may purchase print copies of the journal at cost.


Waived basic publication charges

For manuscripts accepted by Systematic Botany. In addition, to foster reproducibility and data availability in science, the authors of accepted manuscripts for Systematic Botany or Systematic Botany Monographs have their Dryad Data Publishing Charges covered in full by the Society.


Professional Development

Participation in the management and future direction of the Society through membership across our 14 Council committees, which range from Finance to Publications, to Policy, to Systematics Collections. Student members serve on ASPT committees, providing opportunities for visibility, networking with senior colleagues, and developing management skills.


Discounted Annual Conference Rates

Participation at discounted rates at the annual Botany Conference where a broad community interested in Botany devotes several days to oral presentations, poster sessions, and workshops, as well as field trips, informal discussions and social events.


Research and travel grants

For our student members, twenty research grants were awarded in 2020.


SupportS the Profession

Support for botanical research, conservation, and education through initiatives from several of our committees. These include Public Relations, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Environment and Public Policy, as well through our several grant funds, including several awards for student research, a biennial award for best paper published in Systematic Botany, an annual award for best student paper presented at the Botany Conference, and a Herbarium Emergency Fund.


Membership begins on January 1 and end on December 31.