graduate study

M.S. Plant Systematics or Phylogenetic Diversity, U. Nebraska-Omaha

Dr. P. Roxanne Kellar, University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO), is seeking to recruit students interested in a Master’s degree in molecular plant systematics and/or phylogenetic diversity to conduct research in her lab.


Graduate student positions-West Virginia University

The Barrett Lab in the Department of Biology at West Virginia University is seeking highly motivated Ph.D. or M.S. students for admission in 2018. Our lab focuses on using genomic approaches to study systematics and evolution of plants, as well as plant-microbial interactions.


Mt. Cuba Center Graduate Fellowship in Eastern American Botany

Austin Peay State University’s Center of Excellence for Field Biology is pleased to offer two Graduate Research Assistantships to support two masters-level graduate students for two years to work in tandem on a taxonomic study of Clematis subgenus Viorna of eastern North America. These assistantships are made possible by funding from Delaware’s Mt. Cuba Center.
